Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thoughts of Yesterday, What Was to Be, Part 3

Our first few years of marriage were the honeymoon phase.  Wayne would be home a few months, then back on a med. cruise for 6 or 7 months.  When he came home, we had another honeymoon!  He went on two med. cruises while he was in the Navy.  The second cruise was 7 months long, but the Navy set up a charter plane for Navy wives (and children) to be able to fly to Greece to meet their long-missed husbands.  It was an experience I will never forget.  You have to imagine someone who is afraid to fly in the first place, then think about flying on a propeller plane over the ocean to the other side of the world!  YES, I said propeller.  The plane was filled with women and children.  By the time we landed in Greece, the plane had caught on fire!!  We didn't know until it landed, Thank You God!  I  hated the thought of flying back home, but knew there would be no other way.  Our time in Greece was fabulous!  We only had about a week if I remember right, but it was our real honeymoon that we never had.

We loved our room we had in Greece!  Here Wayne is sitting on the balcony railing.  

We had such a great time!  We rented a motorcycle (shared).  I sat on the back.  I had never been on a motorcycle before so you can imagine what happened when we were stopped at a light and he took off!  Yep!  I fell and was sitting on the road!  Here are some scrapbook layouts I made to show some of the beautiful scenery we enjoyed!


This is a good memory!

We stayed in Florida for a time after Wayne was discharged from the Navy in 1971.  We wanted to have children but in the beginning, we were worried we wouldn't be blessed with child.  Just as we were going to start tests to find out what was wrong, I got pregnant!!  At first we were going to stay in Florida, but we decided to move back home, to my hometown, in Rhode Island.  I had names picked out, Cory if a boy and Michelle if a girl, but then my friend next door had a baby girl, called her Michelle, so I thought I couldn't  name my baby that, so decided on Lanette.  Then we decided to move back home.  Wayne drove our Oldsmobile convertible loaded with 2 dogs, 3 pups, and a very pregnant wife!  We lived with my parents for about 3 months and then moved into a third floor apartment.  Everyone told me I was having a boy.  Back then, there were no ultrasounds that could determine sex.  I was certain this baby was a boy.  When the time came, two weeks after my due date, we had a bouncing, kicking, and screaming baby girl on April 28, 1973!!  I was so surprised and delighted!  I had no idea how I would take care of a boy baby anyway!  Overwhelmed is saying it lightly.  Suddenly I realized how important it was to do the right thing for this new life in my arms.  The responsibilities of being a parent enveloped me and I was determined to be the best Mom I could be!  Oh, and we named her Michelle Lynn!  

A photographer came to our house to take this picture.  

I stayed out of work until Michelle turned 2 and then went back to work.  I worked in an accounting firm as a statistical typist and proofreader.  I also had experience in the same firm in Florida along with banking experience prior to that. 


  1. Beautiful! Enjoying all of this.

  2. Thanks for sharing this. I am waiting on a couple of boxes from Amazon so I can finally begin the scrapbooking project that I have been procratinating on. I like your ideas and enjoyed reading your memories, thanks for sharing and inspiring me in my new hobby.
